Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hebrews 1:3

Did you ever have one of these in your house?  Some of you may be really confused as to what that picture is, but for the rest who may have lived in an older house (Or may have been forced to work on income properties like I did) you immediately know that that's a radiator.

Today, I will be spending the majority of my time talking about radiators...well, not exactly.

Hebrews 1:3 says, "The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.  After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven."

There is a LOT to this verse.  Truly stop and think about the beauty of this verse.  This verse is full of power statements:

exact representation
sustaining ALL things by his powerful word
provided purification for sins
Majesty in heaven

I could spend time writing a blog on each of these statements, however, I will not.  When I read this verse the word "Radiance" jumped out at me.  What picture pops into your brain when you hear the word radiance?




Apparantly when I hear the word "Radiance" I think of a radiator.  It could be because of the hatred I have for radiators.  I don't know why I hate them because they are a source of heat and comfort, but they are SO ugly. They creak and groan and I SWEAR they come to life at night. Not to mention they are a decorating nightmare.  Anyways, back to the verse.

"The Son is the radiance of God's glory."  What does that mean?

God's glory is communicated through Jesus Christ!  It's important to understand that "radiance" does NOT equal reflection.  One blogger put it like this:

When we see the full moon in the sky, we think that it is brightly shining. But in fact, the moon has no ability to shine at all. It is a lifeless, dusty rock. Its brightness is merely a reflection of the sun's light.
In reality, the sun's light is radiated from the burning star in the center of our solar system. Christ is not reflecting God's glory, as the moon reflects the sun, but He is the radiance of God's glory, as the light and energy waves bring the power of the sun to us.

Without light waves, we could not see the sun. Without its energy being transmitted to earth, we could not feel its heat. The same is true here: without Jesus Christ, we could not see God. But now, because Christ has come, we have seen God.

 I could not have said it better...which is why I just pasted and copied what this author wrote!

Without that ugly radiator in my bedroom when I was younger, I could not have felt the heat from the furnace.  Without the sacrifice that Jesus made, I could not see God's glory.

John 14:5-9 sums this up really well:Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us." Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?

Isn't it beautiful that because of Jesus' sacrifice we now can see God's glory?  Sit and think with me about the beauty of this verse!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ecclesiastes 4:12

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

99.9% of the time I've heard this verse mentioned is during a wedding ceremony.  I would almost bet that I'm going to hear this verse at some point during my wedding weekend in July.  It's an important one to remember, but I'm not going to be speaking from a marriage standpoint.

We live in a world that is very independent.  Lookout for number 1! Asking for help is almost a sign of weakness.  Christianity is taboo for many different reasons and this is one of those reasons.

Today I will be providing an easier way for us to accomplish or goals and to stay accountable.  

***Spoiler arlert***
It's not by doing it alone!

All throughout the Bible, Christ talks about unity, community and love.  This verse is the perfect example of all three.  When I read this verse, I am reminded of the friendship between David and Jonathan.

If it wasn't for their loyalty to each other, but more importantly their loyalty to Christ, it is very possible that David would have been killed by Saul before he ever was king.

There are some things in life that we may not be able to accomplish without the prayer, support and encouragement of others around us.  This is why we are called into community with one another.

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves."  I know myself.  I know that when things get difficult I tend to give up and if I don't have someone to steer me back on path I will stop pursuing that goal to find an easier one.  (That's one of my many character flaws.) 

On Thanksgiving day this past year, I ran my first 5k.  3.1 miles isn't really anything to brag about, but I am not a runner and it was on my bucket list of things to accomplish.  Kayla, so lovingly, decided to run alongside me to help me keep my pace and to provide me support.  I'm not going to lie, I probably would have walked at one or two points of the race if it wasn't for her support and encouragement.  At the end of the race, my time wasn't exactly what I was hoping for, but I didn't walk once.  

Friends, (I'm not talking to anyone here since no one reads this blog) if we try to accomplish goals or stay accountable without asking for the support of others, we are setting ourselves up for failure.  I'm excited for marriage, because this verse is SO applicable (hence why I hear it all the time at weddings), however there are certain aspects of life where Kayla can't be a part of the cord.

Having a Jonathan or two is needed, but we can't forget about the 3rd strand which is Christ.  If Christ isn't a part of our cord it will slowly fray and brake.  

Having Christ at the center and a companion pushing me and encouraging me is the key to accomplishing my goals and keeping me accountable. 

      Weekly thought to ponder:

Who are my Jonathan's and is Christ our third strand?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Josh in December

I recently have started a daily devotional on the website YouVersion.  The devotional was created by Rick Warren author of "Purpose Driven Life."  I'm two days in and so far I'm liking what I'm reading.

Today's passage was in Genesis.  Abraham was explaining exactly the type of wife that he wants Isaac to marry and he wasn't going to settle.  Rick mentioned that Abraham had a goal for his son and it wasn't a vague goal.

Many times in life we create goals for ourselves, but we set ourselves up for failure.  When I look over my personal life, my goals are so vague or so simple that there is no power behind them.

Rick challenges us with these four questions.

1.) What do I want to be?
2.) What do I want to do?
3.) What do I want to have?
4.) Why do I want to have it?

Rick says, "You can't just know the what, You need to know the why.  That is your motivation.  If you don't know the WHY, you will give up when it gets tough."  When I understand WHY I want certain things, I will understand if those desires are from the Lord or from my own selfishness.  Goals are a lot easier to accomplish when they are Godly goals and not earthly goals.

Some of these questions are difficult for me to answer especially since I'm a 27 year old graduate who will never have a job based on his degree.  Many times I feel stuck.  I don't feel like I can ask myself, "What do I want to be?" or "What do I want to do?"  

When I hear the question, "What do I want to be?" I immediately think of choosing a job, but it doesn't have to be vocational.  I don't know what my dream job is and I never did.  I do know that I want to be a man after God's own heart as well as be a spiritual leader in my relationship with Kayla.

I prioritize being a man after God's own heart higher than I do being a spiritual leader.  That's not because I love myself over Kayla, but because if I am not pursuing the goal of being a man after God's own heart than I will never be able to be a spiritual leader to my fiance.  The "why" would be backwards and I would never accomplish my goal.

What are your goals?  Why do you want to have it?

My prayer tonight:
Heavenly Father,

I thank you for reminding me that setting goals is a good thing as long as I understand why I want that goal.  I pray that the goals that I do pursue are heavenly.

Father, starting now, I want to be daily pursuing a deeper relationship with you.  I want to be a man after your own heart and not for anyone but for you.  I want to bring glory to you and out of the abundance let it flow into my relationship with Kayla.

I am your servant.